心脏起搏器是一种植入胸腔的小装置,用来帮助控制你的心跳. It's used when the heart beats too quickly, too slowly or irregularly due to a heart attack, 心脏衰竭或其他问题损害了心脏的自然电系统. 心脏起搏器通过发出无痛的电信号来刺激心肌收缩——这是心脏泵送动作的第一部分——来模拟这个系统. Having a pacemaker can relieve the dizziness, 心跳缓慢或不稳定引起的昏厥和呼吸短促.

A pacemaker is battery powered. Most consist of two parts: the pulse generator, 火柴盒大小的小金属容器,装有电池和电子设备, and the leads, thin wires that conduct the electrical signals. 大多数起搏器放置在胸部皮肤下,通过导线与心脏相连. But there are also leadless pacemakers, 是通过微创手术直接植入心脏的吗.

Pacemakers are usually implanted as a permanent treatment. 但它们有时被用作暂时的措施,以稳定心脏病发作后恢复的人的心律, heart surgery or a medication overdose that slowed their heart rate.